Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Issue #2 Reflection

During Issue #2, I think my strengths were doing the layout and getting my first story done. When we first started the issue, I had a fairly easy time to complete my drunk driving story. I got my interviews within the first 3 days and my drafts finished. Also, when we were layouting, I had an easy time fixing the problem of having only two pieces of work to display on page 6. Even though the final product didn't look great at all, I was able to complete it despite the roadblocks.

I believe that this was the most challenging issue I've done because there were a lot of things going on in my life at once and I had a hard time trying to prioritze things. Things like work, college, and other school work got in the way that I had little or no time to go out and get interviews for my second story. It was getting hard because I wasn't focusing on newswriting as much as I should have. I think that prioritizing my schedule was my biggest weakness I had.

For the next issue, I can improve on my weakness by mapping out everything in advance. I can do what I did for my fist story. Also, I can try go looking for more than my "planned" sources so that in case one fails, I have another ready to use. I will try to focus more on newswriting because it is a class for school and also I have other members on the staff which means not doing my part will hurt my teammates as well.


  1. USE YOUR PLANNER. Really, you should. Or use the Calendar Application on your iTouch. Fo' real. I promise, if you make it a habit to use the tools, you'll be okay.

  2. CALENDAR! you know? i kinda put my planner aside.. i haven't been using it for a while because its the ending of the school year.. BUT! my instincts tell me otherwise.. hmm gotta plan out senior year...
